Why Do Your Toilets Get Clogged Often?

Clogged toilets can happen in any home to anyone. When this type of situation occurs, most people choose to contact a plumbing professional to assist them with the issue and ultimately remove the blockage so they can get back to using their toilet the way that they normally would.

toilet clog
A hand in protective glove fixing clogged toilet, indoor closeup

Some people are more concerned with solving the problem quickly than figuring out why the toilets keep on getting clogged. However, it’s certainly important to understand what generally causes these clogs to happen.

Main Causes of Toilet Blockages

Too Much Toilet Paper

It’s normal to flush toilet paper down the toilet. After all, it’s what most people use to wipe themselves when they’re finished using the bathroom. However, putting too much toilet paper into the toilet at once could cause a major clog to occur.

It’s best to limit yourself on the amount of toilet paper you’re flushing down the toilet. Some people even prefer to fold their sheets of toilet paper and throw them away in a trash bin instead of flushing them down just to avoid the possibility of dealing with a clogged toilet in the future.

Not Enough Water

You should have enough water in your toilet to flush when you use the bathroom. If there isn’t enough water, you may notice that not everything goes down when you flush the toilet. And, if everything isn’t going down at once like it should, the issue could eventually lead to a clogged toilet that you’re stuck trying to fix.

Check the water supply to determine how much water you have. Make sure that you have enough water in your toilet before you start using it again.

Too Much Hard Water

There are many people who have hard water in their homes, but this hard water can eventually lead to deposits of the minerals throughout the pipes. As a result, it’ll take its toll on the way your toilet flushes, causing a bit of a blockage. If you’re dealing with this kind of problem, you’ll need to use a solution designed to treat that mineral buildup and keep it from happening again.

Flushing Foreign Objects

You should never flush any foreign objects down your toilet. The toilet is meant for waste and the usual amount of toilet paper a person uses when they’ve urinated or taken a bowel movement. Unfortunately, some people end up flushing other objects down the toilet, including paper, food, and even small toys. These items could lead to a serious blockage that keeps your toilet from flushing properly.

Drain Line Blockage

One of the most common causes of a clogged toilet is a drain line blockage. If there’s a blockage, the toilet tank isn’t going to start filling up with the right amount of water and then you won’t even be able to flush the toilet when you use it.

Grease in the Pipes

Do you normally throw grease down the drain of your kitchen sink? You may think that it has absolutely nothing to do with the toilet at all, but that’s not exactly true. Whenever grease is poured down the drains, it makes the pipes harder, and it’ll be more of a challenge for water to reach your toilet. And, as you may have already learned, a lack of water will keep your toilet from flushing properly.

The best way to avoid this situation is to put grease in a glass container and dispose of it another way. It’s simply not a good idea to let it flow down the drain inside of the kitchen sink.

These are some of the many causes of clogged toilets. It helps to know this information in advance in case you find yourself dealing with a clogged toilet in the near future. It may cost you more to treat the problem with your toilet, so why not do your best at preventing problems from taking place? A professional plumber could help to perform routine maintenance in your home to keep things in working order, too.